The CHD medical clinic offers patients and families access to the services of the multi-disciplinary team of care providers, both for first-time and follow-up visits.  Appointments are made with a neurologist (approximately 1 hour), a psychiatrist (approximately 1 hour), and a social worker (30 minutes + for assessment of needs with follow up as required).  Should patients or family members make a request, appointments to speak with the clinical research manager and/or coordinator, and genetic counselor, can be accommodated with advance notice.  Every effort is made to ensure the CHD experience is efficient and comfortable for both patients and support persons.

Details about the CHD Medical Clinic

A referral from a family doctor to see a neurologist and/or a psychiatrist is required.  Communication with the family doctor is essential.  Any recommended changes in medications or suggested investigations are communicated to the family doctor to maintain their role as the primary care provider.
The clinic is held on TUESDAYS at:

University of British Columbia
Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (DMCBH)
2215 Wesbrook Mall, 2nd floor,  Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3


To make an appointment or for more information, please call:

Sandy Hazan

Centre For HD Clinical Secretary
Fax: 604.822.7970